Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Lush Halloween 2016 | Gift Guide

Disclaimer: The products featured were provided for review.
Lush Halloween Monsters Ball Sparkly Pumpkin Boo
Whether or not you still celebrate Halloween, Lush's ghoulish offerings around this time of the year are always super fun and charming. Today I have a trio of adorable bath pals to share with you. To read on, click.......

Monster's Ball Bath Bomb ($7.25 CAD):
Shaped liked a pink and blue cyclops, Monster's Ball is a huge bath bomb scented with oils of lime, neroli, and frankincense. The product fizzes into a pink and blue slurry and the smell makes everything super fresh and fruity!

Boo Luxury Bath Melt ($5.95 CAD):
A cute little nub of bath melt made of cocoa cutter, oils of bergamot, geranium, and ginger, Boo doesn't bubble but instead turns the bathwater slightly milky, conditioning and nourishing the skin every step of the way. The product smells citrus and gingery so it is very invigorating and refreshing. I kind of wish the product was just a tad bigger so it can last more than one go.

Sparkly Pumpkin Bubble Bar ($7.95 CAD):
Returning yet once again, this Lush Halloween classic is formulated with oils of juniper berry, grapefruit, and lime. Completely covered in a layer of super fine gold shimmers, this pumpkin-shaped bubble bar will make your bath super sparkly and refreshing. Simply crumble under hot running water; the Sparkly Pumpkin is good for at least two baths (or one crazy bubbly one).

Check out this wicked Halloween video Lush created to celebrate this collection:
Lush is available online and in stores at Lush boutiques.
© 2013-2025 The Happy Sloths | Artwork by Jasmine Li