Monday, September 29, 2014

Tangle Teezer Compact Styler: Review

Disclaimer: Product featured was provided for review.
Tangle Teezer Compact Styler: Review
I always try my best to take care of my hair but heat and color have left me with a lot of split ends over the years and the one thing that split ends are good for is making my hair extremely tangly. Whenever I get large chunks of tangles, I usually try to use a wide-tooth comb to sort out the mess but that can be very time-consuming (not to mention painful). So when I learned about this interesting gadget called the Tangle Teezer Compact Style ($25 CAD), I was more than ecstatic to give it a try. Amazingly, ten Tangle Teezers are sold every minute and the product is made by a British company that's now finally available in Canada. To read more about how the Tangle Teezer works, click......
Tangle Teezer Compact Styler: Review
Available in 10 different colors, the Tangle Teezer is a very special comb/hairbrush that fits nicely in the palm of the hands. Instead of having regular bristles or teeth, the Tangle Teezer has very thin and small teeth of two varying lengths. The device also includes a click-on, click-off cover that protects the teeth from dust and dirt.
Tangle Teezer Compact Styler: Review
This thing really works! Unlike traditional combs or brushes with longer and thicker teeth/bristles, the Tangle Teezer uses its tiny teeth to only "tease" away tangled hair one bit at a time instead of attacking a tangle right at its "epicenter". So pretty much no matter how big the tangle is, the Tangle Teezer and break it apart a little at a time.

I think this is a must-have if you struggle daily with tangled hair and split ends. The device is a huge time and pain saver because it effectively and gently combs out tangles without breaking the hair or hurting your scalp.

The Tangle Teezer is available in stores and online at Sephora.
*Update: One of my readers let me know that Tangle Teezers are also available online at Nail Polish Canada, there are two more versions available as well, check it out here!
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