Saturday, March 8, 2014

TotalBeauty Feature: No-Makeup Dare

A while back I received an email from Haley Mason, an editor from, asking me if I am interested in partaking in a piece that showcases beauty bloggers without any makeup. I of course was super excited to share my opinions and my photos on the topic as I think it's really important to show the not so glamorous side of being a beauty blogger. Almost all the images you see in the media (including beauty blogs), tend to be overly made-up and photoshopped, giving you a skewed and unrealistic view of beauty, so it was refreshing to take part in an article that discusses the importance of un-retouched natural beauty.
If you are interested, head on over to to check out the article, it's definitely a meaningful read! Have a good one!

© 2013-2025 The Happy Sloths | Artwork by Jasmine Li