Saturday, July 27, 2013

Neon Zig Zag Nails: Manicure Featuring BigRuby Nail Tattoos

Disclaimer: The nail tattoo were provided for review.
I did this manicure quite a while ago back in May, it has taken me this long to share it with y'all because I thought the manicure was sort of a dud. In hindsight, I should have paired the purple zigzag nail tattoo from BigRuby Nail Tattoos with a more neutral color, instead of this retina-singeing neon orange called "Orange Zest" from Jessica. Anyways, to see more pictures, click......

The nail tattoo came in a set called "Ikat"($12.00), consisting of various longs strips of pattern that you can trim and then mix and match to decorate your nails. 
After I applied my base color, I applied the purple-ish blue zigzag and then topped everything off with "Shine of the Times" from Essie. I think I will have another go with these tattoos because I just wasn't superbly happy with the result of this manicure.
Anyways, to check out my Henna manicure created using BigRuby nail tattoos, click here.
Thanks for dropping by, have a good one!

© 2013-2025 The Happy Sloths | Artwork by Jasmine Li