Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Best Blog Award

Hey guys, we are so behind on awards and tags because I have been so busy posting daily challenge posts! Anyhow, here is one called "The Best Blog Award"; we were nominated by the lovely Chantal from Chantal's Corner. I also recall that Stef from Fairly Charming nominatied as well but I for the life of me cannot find her post on it! Nevertheless, I like to thank both ladies for nominating us, and here are the responses to Chantal's questions:
It is like crack for my cheeks

1. What is your number one beauty item?
Jasmine: My eyebrow pencil from shiseido. The eyebrows are really important for me (because mine are seriously lacking), if I could use only one product before heading out the door, it would be my eyebrow pencil.
Angela: Blush is my favorite, I need at least blush on my face as well as foundation or BB cream. My number one blush right now is Hervana (reviewed here), god I love that stuff.
My favorite top coat.

2. What is your favorite top coat:
Jasmine: Sally Hansen Insta Dri Top Coat!
Angela: Whatever is on sale/cheap.

3. If you go anywhere in the world, where would you visit?
Jasmine: Anywhere tropical!
Angela: I really want to visit almost everywhere, but right now I am really missing London and I really want to go to Denmark right now (I saw an Essiebutton vlog).

4. What type of movies do you like to watch?
Jasmine: Comedies, dramas, action, pretty much anything not scary. :S
Angela: I like a variety of generas, however I think I am pretty picky with my comedies. I really dislike the super dumb comedies and I like all other movies to be good if I am going to watch it. 

Comedic gold 
5. What is your favorite flower?
Jasmine: Eh I don't really care for flowers (kind of ironic given my name is a flower name).
Angela: Orchids are my go to, but there are so many other beautiful flowers it makes it hard to choose.

6. Do you have a green thumb?
Jasmine: Nah, never tried gardening before, doesn't help either that I live in an apartment.
Angela: I tend to stay away from the garden, the pros in the family know I have no clue.

7. Mac or PC?
Jasmine: Definitely Mac.
Angela: PC all the way
Funky pedicure.
8. What is your favorite type of ice cream?
Jasmine: Any? I do not discriminate.
Angela: Cotton Candy, but sometimes I will be craving something else.

9. Sweet or salty?
Jasmine: Both, sometimes I crave sweet things and sometimes I crave savory stuff. 
Angela: Both, at the same time, or one after the other. I can't control these cravings man.

10 Colors or nudes on your toes?
Jasmine: I usually don't paint my toes, though I did recently use a funky snakeskin design from Sally Hansen on my toes.
Angela: Depends on my mood, but definitely no bright colors.

We nominate:
1. Mini Neko
2. Ethnography of My Life
3. Nail Lacquer Blog
4. Beauty Infinitum
5. Girlie Review
6. Ooh, Cute Nails!
7. Paint Those Piggies
8. Bon Vivant Beauty

And our questions are:
1. Holographic, magnetic, flakie, shatter, or textured polish?
2. What's your favorite store to shop at?
3. What is your ideal topping on a hot dog?
4. Do you wear heels, how many pairs do you own?
5. Where do you want to live when you retire?
6. If you could take on any occupation in the world, what would it be?
7. What's the most recent movie you saw and what did you think of it?
8. What is the most expensive item in your wardrobe?

We would love to hear your responses to the questions but obviously don't feel pressured to do them.
Thanks for reading, cheers!

© 2013-2025 The Happy Sloths | Artwork by Jasmine Li