Friday, June 7, 2013

My Birthday Wish List

So my birthday is coming up next month, and I agreed with myself that if I don't make any beauty purchases for the rest of my month I can go a bit crazy for my birthday month :p within reason. I came up with a semi budgeted wishlist that I will crack down on come July. It will be 31 days of me, although my boyfriend won't let that happen since I will still have lots of MCAT studying to do. Now on to a brief summarized wishlist:

1. Benefit's Cha Cha tint- I think the color looks really great, but it is a bit expensive for a tint, I might just wait to purchase it with my Optimum points.

2. Hourglass Ethereal powder- This would be my major splurge for my bday, but everyone raves about them. Plus I can use my VIB coupon finally.

3. This one may seem weird but for my birthday I agreed I would renew my Maclean's subscripion. Not very beauty related but I really love reading it and it would be really good with some baths.

4. A brand spanking new pair of Tom's. I love my Tom's and wear them all the time. I have a permanent Tom's tan on my feet, no joke.

5. I already own this Lush bubble bar, but my wishlist is pretty much any bubble bar. I just thought that one was too darn cute.

6. Ro's Argan Body Conditioner- Smells amazing and is pricey, but I want it. I guess my birthday is a time to treat myself.

7. Any Lush Soap, they are all so cool, I may just start a collection.

8. A scrubby body butter from Lush

9. Therapy Massage Bar- I have heard this does wonders for stretch marks so we shall see if it is true, I desperately want mine gone.

10. Jasmine and Henna Fluff-Ease- Just a hair treatment I am interested in trying

11. Now it is a picture of a bath bomb, but what I want for my birthday is a whole bunch of Retro bath bombs that I will order for myself online :)

Well that was one long wishlist post. As you can see I have turned into a bit of a lushie, since it comprises the most of my wishlist. Looks like my credit card and Ebate's account are gonna get a workout come July.

Do you have anything awesome on your wishlist? do you do anything similar for your birthday month?

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