Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 31 (Final Day): A Vivid Memory......

Whew so the end of the Blog Every Day In May Challenge is finally here. This was definitely some experience, I haven't wrote so much about such diverse and personal topics in a really long time! I am so glad I participated in this challenge because it allowed me to get some stuff off of my chest and it also gave me a chance to connect with so many of you on such a personal level. So thanks to Jenni who hosted this challenge and moreover, thanks to every one of your who has been following me along this month-long journey!
The final prompt asks us a share a vivid memory. As of now, all the vivid memories that come to mind are recent ones I'd rather not think so instead I'll share a picture of a beautiful place my parents and I took a trip to five or six years ago.
This is a picture (not taken by us, obviously haha) of Moraine Lake at Alberta, British Columbia. It was the first road trip we took after we came to Canada. It was one week long and we went all around Alberta and interior British Columbia. We had such a great time, I remember while in Jasper, we stayed in this lovely bed and breakfast and I had the most comfortable fold-out bed! The weather was just divine, I remember the sky was always spotless, just like in the picture. The sun wouldn't set until it was ten o'clock and I remember lying in bed every night and watching the light that peaked through the curtains and feeling very very content.
So there it is, a beautifully vivid memory.
© 2013-2025 The Happy Sloths | Artwork by Jasmine Li