Thursday, March 14, 2013

Topbox Subscription: March 2013 Regular Box

This month with Topbox I chose to go with a regular monthly box and be surprised with what I receive. The main prive boxes this month were Aveda and Pure and Simple. I wanted a bit more variety from my box so I didnt want either. Especially since I already hoard blush and don't like bronzer, I didn't want the Pure and Simple box. The box came surprisingly fast which is strange since I live on the west coast. This month isn't quite as spectacular as the last, but I will definitely get some uses out of all the products.
For individual product reviews, click read more.

MaskerAide- I Don't Wanna Grow Up
Inside was one full sized mask which retail for $4.99 on the MaskerAide website. I received one of these masks in a previous Topbox, just a different type. Although I do like the brand, I would have wished for a different product to try, something new. I know a lot of people complained that this is an anti-aging mask, but I think it is never too early to start.

Aveda- Caribbean Therapy Body Cream
I got a 25mL sample, which works out to be about $5.25 worth of product, the full 200ml bottle costs $42. I was put off that they would include Aveda in the box when many people did not want Aveda in the first place. I know lots of people don't like the scent of Aveda products in general but I am a strange one and actually enjoy it.

L'Oreal Professionnel- Mythic Oil
When I heard that we were getting a L'Oreal product, I was surprised. They don't seem like a very high-end brand to begin with but I was amazed by this product. There are two vials of 3ml oil, for a combined total of $1.25 of products. It is not a high value, but it definitely lasts a while since you only need a couple of drops for your hair. It smells sooooo good, it smells like I just got my hair washed at a salon which for some reason is my favorite hair scent. My hair was shiny and soft. I also like the description on the product card "the beautifying nourishing oil for the Cleopatra in you!" Hell yes I want to be like Cleopatra.

Vera Wang- Lovestruck
I am very picky with perfumes since I can react badly to many of them. So far so good with Lovestruck, I just need to test it out some more to be sure. I am not in love with the scent but it isn't bad, I've smelt worse. The large vial of 4ml has a value of about $6.32.

This month was not a very high value box, only about $17.81, however I do see myself using most, if not all the products. Topbox loses points for giving out the masks again instead of trying something new. Also once again they included Aveda when many subscribers expressed disinterest in, although I personally don't mind their products. We will see what next month they have in store for us.
© 2013-2025 The Happy Sloths | Artwork by Jasmine Li