Thursday, February 7, 2013

Topbox Subscription: February 2013 Benefit Box Review

Topbox tried something new this month, offering subscribers a choice between the privé box of a specific brand, this month was Benefit, or the regular box of surprises. I chose the Benefit box and was lucky enough to receive one, I was so excited to get an early tracking number and find out I got it :)
I have tried quite a few of Benefits products before, but there are definitely some new ones that I haven't experimented with yet. And hey, who doesn't love samples from a well-known brand? The Benefit box was celebrating Chinese New Year based on the design on the outside container, they even included a "red envelope" that held a sample of Fine One One. The presentation was absolutely gorgeous, everything from the Topbox tube to the individual boxes was just divine. I felt like I had purchased them individually in lovely little packages. I think I actually squealed over how cute they were.
The sample is fairly small, only 2.5 ml, but it still has a value of $6.85 compared to the $36 full size. I have used this product before and it gives a lovely red color when applied to the lips, but it can also be used as a cheek stain. The thing I love about this sample is how easy it is to travel with. I find the full sized container a bit too clunky to carry around, especially if you carry a small bag around like I tend to.

Total Moisture Facial Cream:
A full-size container of this cream carries the hefty price tag of $42, and the top box contained a sample worth $7.40. I have found this cream to be a bit heavy and thick when applied to the facial areas. Personally, I prefer lighter creams to put on my face, so this one isn't really a favorite. I also found the cream to be a bit too perfumed, which irritates my nose a bit. However the highlight of this product is the jar it is in, it is the nicest sample container I have seen.

Dandelion Wishes:
This sample contained two almost half-sized samples of the Dandelion Ultra Plush lip gloss (full size $18) and Dandelion face powder (full size $36). The lip gloss is by far my favorite, it isn't sticky, smells wonderful, and gives just enough shine to the lips. However, it isn't very pigmented so that's kind of a downside. The face powder is similar, intended to be a brightening face powder so it doesn't offer much color but would be useful for highlighting the cheeks.
The Porefessional:
As hinted in the name the product aids in hiding the appearance of pores. The sample size was 1/3 of a full-size container, so about $11 worth of product. I love the versatility of the product, you can apply it to your face before you apply makeup, or after and use it as a touch up later (especially since I always forget steps in my routine).
Fine One One:
This was a very small sample included in the box; however, I am glad they included some of their newest products along with old favorites. This trio is good for highlighting and adding color to the cheeks all at once, especially if you like cream blushes. It is hard to get a feel for the product from the sample so I would suggest trying it in store.
Topbox is a Canadian monthly beauty sample subscription, it costs $12 CAD per month.

© 2013-2025 The Happy Sloths | Artwork by Jasmine Li